Client Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk, Full Release from Liability of Odd Barbell and any associated coaches or Independent Contractors:
By continuing past this prompt and completing the process of purchasing a membership of any length to ODD BARBELL you (the client) are acknowledging that there is inherent risk of physical injuries, but not limited to, heart attacks, muscle strains; pulls or tears; broken bones, shin splints, low back/knee/foot injuries and any other illness, soreness or injury however caused, occurring during or after clients participation of activity at Odd Barbell. The client further acknowledges that such risks include but are not limited to injurie cause by the negligence of an instructor or other person, defective or improper use of the equipment, over exertion of a client, slip and fall by a client, or any other health problem of client. You (the client) as assuming all risk and responsibly involved with participation in physical activity at Odd Barbell. Client affirms that they are in good physical condition and does not suffer from any disability or previous injury that would limit participation. The client acknowledges that participation will be physically and mentally challenging and the client agrees to seek competent medical advice regarding concerns or questions involved with the ability of the client to take part in ODD BARBELL activities. By selecting a membership option above and completing the payment process, the client asserts that he or she is capable of participation in the physical activities and assumes all risk and responsibility for exceeding his or her limitations.